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CFUW Cornwall and District will soon celebrate 70 years of women working together to bring about positive change in our community.  Our work has provided over $100,000 in scholarships to young women in our 12 High Schools who are continuing their post-secondary education. Our 400th award was presented last June!  We advocate for women who have been affected by Intimate Partner Violence by providing monies and personal supplies to Baldwin House and Naomi's Family Resource Centre.
We are also members of Cornwall's Vibrant Communities and have provided financial support to youth  through Central Public's Breakfast Program, the Boys' and Girls' Club , Big Brothers and Big Sisters and the Children's Treatment Center. Centre 105 has also been a recipient of our advocacy efforts.

CFUW is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 100 clubs located in every province in Canada.
Since 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. It holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. 
Come and join us!

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