Our Meetings

CFUW meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month—between September and May—for dinner, club business, and presentations by guest speakers.
We welcome all who identify as women and share our values. Come, hear and see what we're all about! If you do not wish to have dinner you are welcome to come and listen to our speakers
February Meeting
DATE: Tuesday February 25, 2025
Location: Residence of Hilary Blackburn, Long Sault
Time: 6 pm
Wine and Appetizers
Speaker: Stephanie Lalonde
Topic: What's in your closet?
Celebration of International Women's Day
Donations to our Scholarship Fund will be accepted
Contact cornwallcfuw2020@gmail for location
WHAT"S ON IN Feb. and March.? CLICK HERE
Interest Groups
Our club hosts several interest groups.
To see our activities, CLICK HERE.